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Set the size of the marching ants based on the dpi of the screen

Halla Rempt requested to merge work/rempt/bug_456364 into master

This also handles moving the Krita window from screen to screen and interactively changing the resolution of the screen.


  • we might need to tweak the scaling factor, or figure out a way to decide what the idea ant size in mm would be and then calculate that based on the physical dpi of the screen.
  • ideally all other KisPaintingTweaks::initAntsPen users should use this system, which should be generalized. I didn't figure that out
  • the reporter of the original bug also wants the width of the line to increase, but since these are cosmetic pens, that doesn't work. Making the pens non-cosmetic gives really weird results.


Edited by Halla Rempt

Merge request reports
