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Improve Python API - Document + Notifier

Grum 999 requested to merge grum/krita:grum999/improve_python_api into master

This MR is a first set of improvements for Python API.
The goal here is to try to provides additional methods to manage documents and let users being able to work with some Krita's UI commands without trying to tweak/hack UI like it is currently made.

In synthesis, this MR:

  • Update Document class
  • Update Notifier class
  • Add new classes GuidesConfig, GridConfig and MirrorAxisConfig
  • Improve API documentation (update .h files used to generate API documentation)
  • Improve class cast (to get right cast from SIP binding instead of having generic QObject -- especially from Signals)


  • Some methods in classes have been deprecated (use of Q_DECL_DEPRECATED)
    These methods are still here and are still usable to ensure compatibility with plugins
    For each deprecated method, documentation inform the DEPRECATED state of method For each deprecated method, when called a qWarning() will generate a message to inform plugin developer to update the plugin or to not use the method anymore (the warning mean the plugin developer takes care about messages in log console or in terminal...)
  • For implementation of Mirror Axis, due to Krita's internal architecture, some choice have been made (ie: mirror axis are provided as a Document property instead of a View resource)
  • For implementation of some signals, I've used signal compressor to avoid plugins to consume too much resources, but I didn't used compressor for all signals
    Example: used compressor on fg/bg color update, but not on brush size (because in my mind, plugins that connect signal on color change will probably generate more intensive computation than a plugin that is connected to brush size signal)

Class GuidesConfig

New class

This class is a wrapper on KisGuidesConfig and is used with Document class.

Method Description
color() Return guides color
setColor() Define guides color
lineType() Return Guides line type
setLineType() Define guides lines type
hasGuides() indicate if there's guides defined
hasSamePositionAs() indicate if position from current guides configuration match positions from another guides configuration
horizontalGuides() The horizontal guides
setHorizontalGuides() Set the horizontal guides
verticalGuides() The vertical guides
setVerticalGuides Set the vertical guides
fromXml() Load guides definition from an XML document
toXml() Save guides definition as an XML document
removeAllGuides() Remove all guides
visible() Returns guides visibility status
setVisible() Set guides visibility status
locked() Returns guide lock status
setLocked() Set guides lock status
snap() Returns guide snap status
setSnap() Set guides snap status

Class GridConfig

New class

This class is a wrapper on KisGridConfig and is used with Document class.

Method Description
visible() Returns guides visibility status
setVisible() Set guides visibility status
snap() Returns guide snap status
setSnap() Set guides snap status
offset() Return grid offset
setOffset() Set grid offset
spacing() Return grid spacing
setSpacing() Set grid spacing
spacingActiveHorizontal() Return if horizontal grid spacing is active
setSpacingActiveHorizontal() Set if horizontal grid spacing is active
spacingActiveVertical() Return if vertical grid spacing is active
setSpacingActiveVertical() Set if vertical grid spacing is active
subdivision() Return number of grid subdivision
setSubdivision() Set number of grid subdivision
angleLeft() Return left angle value (in degree)
setAngleLeft() Set left angle value (in degree)
angleRight() Return right angle value (in degree)
setAngleRight() Set right angle value (in degree)
angleLeftActive() Return if left angle grid is active
setAngleLeftActive() Set if left angle value grid is active
angleRightActive() Return if right angle value grid is active
setAngleRightActive() Set if right angle value grid is active
cellSpacing() Return grid cell spacing
setCellSpacing() Set grid cell spacing
cellSize() Return grid cell size
setCellSize() Set grid cell size
type() Return grid type
setType() Set grid type
offsetAspectLocked() Returns offset aspect ratio lock status
setOffsetAspectLocked() Set offset aspect ratio lock status
spacingAspectLocked() Returns spacing aspect ratio lock status
setSpacingAspectLocked() Set spacing aspect ratio lock status
angleAspectLocked() Returns angle aspect ratio lock status
setAngleAspectLocked() Set angle aspect ratio lock status
lineTypeMain() Return main grid line type
setLineTypeMain() Define main grid lines type
lineTypeSubdivision() Return subdivision grid line type
setLineTypeSubdivision() Define subdivision grid lines type
lineTypeVertical() Return vertical grid line type
setLineTypeVertical() Define vertical grid lines type
colorMain() Return main grid color
setColorMain() Set main grid color
colorSubdivision() Return subdivision grid color
setColorSubdivision() Set subdivision grid color
colorVertical() Return vertical grid color
setColorVertical() Set vertical grid color
fromXml() Load guides definition from an XML document
toXml() Save guides definition as an XML document

Class MirrorAxisConfig

New class

This class is a wrapper on KisMirrorAxisConfig and is used with Document class.

Method Description
horizontal() return the horizontal mirror axis status (active/inactive)
setHorizontal() set the horizontal mirror axis status (active/inactive)
vertical() return the vertical mirror axis status (active/inactive)
setVertical() set the vertical mirror axis status (active/inactive)
horizontalLock() return the horizontal mirror axis lock status (locked/unlocked)
setHorizontalLock() set the horizontal mirror axis lock status (locked/unlocked)
verticalLock() return the vertical mirror axis lock status (locked/unlocked)
setVerticalLock() set the vertical mirror axis lock status (locked/unlocked)
horizontalDecorationHidden() return the horizontal mirror axis visibility status (visible/hidden)
setHorizontalDecorationHidden() set the horizontal mirror axis visibility status (visible/hidden)
verticalDecorationHidden() return the vertical mirror axis visibility status (visible/hidden)
setVerticalDecorationHidden() set the vertical mirror axis visibility status (visible/hidden)
handleSize() return the mirror axis handle size
setHandleSize() set the mirror axis handle size
horizontalHandlePosition() return the horizontal mirror axis handle position
setHorizontalHandlePosition() set the horizontal mirror axis handle position
verticalHandlePosition() return the vertical mirror axis handle position
setVerticalHandlePosition() set the vertical mirror axis handle position
horizontalAxisPosition() return the horizontal mirror axis position
setHorizontalAxisPosition() set the horizontal mirror axis position
verticalAxisPosition() return the vertical mirror axis position
setVerticalAxisPosition() set the vertical mirror axis position
fromXml() Load mirror axis definition from an XML string
toXml() Save mirror axis definition as an XML string

Class Document

Updated class

Class has been updated to provide new methods

Method Description
guidesConfig() Returns a GuidesConfig guides configuration for current document
setGuidesConfig() Set guides configuration for current document
gridConfig() Returns a GridConfig grid configuration for current document
setGridConfig() Set grid configuration for current document
mirrorAxisConfig() Returns a MirrorAxisConfig configuration for current document
setMirrorAxisConfig() Set mirror axis configuration for current document
autosave() Return autosave status for document
setAutosave() Allow to activate/deactivate autosave for document
audioLevel() Return audio level for document
setAudioLevel() Allow to define audio level for document
audioTracks() Return list of audio tracks used by document
setAudioTracks() Set list of audio tracks used by document

Deprecated methods

Method Description
horizontalGuides() use guidesConfig() instead
verticalGuides() use guidesConfig() instead
guidesVisible() use guidesConfig() instead
guidesLocked() use guidesConfig() instead
setHorizontalGuides() use guidesConfig() instead
setVerticalGuides() use guidesConfig() instead
setGuidesVisible() use guidesConfig() instead
setGuidesLocked() use guidesConfig() instead

Class Notifier

Updated class

Signal Description
documentCreated() replace imageCreated()
documentSaved() replace imageSaved()
documentIsBeingSaved() Emitted when document is about to be saved
documentClosed() replace imageClosed()
documentModified() Emitted when modified status of document change
documentUpdated() Emitted when document is updated in any way
documentGuidesUpdated() Emitted when document guides settings are modified
documentGridUpdated() Emitted when document grid settings are modified
documentAudioLevelUpdated() Emitted when document audio level is modified
documentAudioTracksUpdated() Emitted when document audio tracks list is modified
viewChanged() Current active view has changed
viewBrushForegroundColorChanged() Emitted when current foreground brush color is modified
viewBrushBackgroundColorChanged() Emitted when current background brush color is modified
viewBrushForegroundColorUsed() Emitted when current foreground brush color is used for the time
viewBrushOpacityChanged() Emitted when current brush opacity is modified
viewBrushPresetChanged() Emitted when current brush preset is modified
viewBrushBlendingModeChanged() Emitted when current brush blending mode is modified
viewBrushEraserModeChanged() Emitted when current brush eraser mode is modified
viewBrushFlowChanged() Emitted when current brush flow is modified
viewBrushSizeChanged() Emitted when current brush size is modified
viewBrushRotationChanged() Emitted when current brush rotation is modified
viewBrushPatternSizeChanged() Emitted when current brush pattern size is modified
viewBrushGlobalAlphaLockChanged() Emitted when current brush alpha lock status is modified
viewBrushDisabledPressureChanged() Emitted when current brush pen pressure status is modified
viewResourceGradientChanged() Emitted when current brush gradient is modified
viewResourcePatternChanged() Emitted when current brush pattern is modified
viewHDRExposureChanged() Emitted when current HDR Exposure value is modified
viewHDRGammaChanged() Emitted when current HDR Gamma value is modified
viewNodeChanged() Emitted when current active node is modified
viewMirrorChanged() Emitted when current mirror view mode is modified

Deprecated methods

Method Description
imageCreated() use documentCreated() instead
imageSaved() use documentSaved() instead
imageClosed() use documentClosed() instead

Test Plan

Check files for tests implementation:

File Test
plugins/extensions/pykrita/manual_tests/ Manual tests for Notifier class
plugins/extensions/pykrita/manual_tests/ Manual tests for Document, GuidesConfig, GridConfig , MirrorAxisConfig classes

Formalities Checklist

  • I confirmed this builds.
  • I confirmed Krita ran and the relevant functions work.
  • I tested the relevant unit tests and can confirm they are not broken. (If not possible, don't hesitate to ask for help!)
  • I made sure my commits build individually and have good descriptions as per KDE guidelines.
  • I made sure my code conforms to the standards set in the HACKING file.
  • I can confirm the code is licensed and attributed appropriately, and that unattributed code is mine, as per KDE Licensing Policy.
  • Does the patch add a user-visible feature? If yes, is there a documentation MR ready for it at Krita Documentation Repository?

Reminder: the reviewer is responsible for merging the patch, this is to ensure at the least two people can build the patch. In case a patch breaks the build, both the author and the reviewer should be contacted to fix the build. If this is not possible, the commits shall be reverted, and a notification with the reasoning and any relevant logs shall be sent to the mailing list,

Merge request reports
