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  • Dileep Sankhla's avatar
    Use correct arrow cursor for Annotations' close buttons · de56b9c9
    Dileep Sankhla authored
    When hovering the mouse over the X symbol to close a note the cursor remains the same of the current shape (hand, selection cursor) based on the tool selected.
    This patch morphe the cursor to the standard arrow over the X symbol to close a note by adding setCursor() call in the CloseButton constructor
     BUG: 384381
    Test Plan:
    1.  Open okular and select Tools -> Review or press F6 to create a new pop-up note
    2. Hover the mouse cursor over the close button (X) of the pop-up note window
    3. You will see the standard arrow instead of the current tool based cursor.
    Screenshot below (the tooltip saying "Close this note" was not captured by Spectacle application)
    Reviewers: #okular, ngraham
    Reviewed By: ngraham
    Subscribers: ngraham, #okular
    Tags: #okular
    Differential Revision: