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Set focus to the next current tab when closing the current tab

Albert Astals Cid requested to merge work/aacid/428257 into master

And by that it means giving the focus to the pageview which is most of the fimes what we want. One could argue that if i had the focus on the searchbar we should restore the focus there, but that makes not much sense to me, since each tab is it's own world, at most one could say, let's remember where the focus was in that tab the last time it was focused and restore it there, but it seems a bit convoluted.

To be able of setting the focus to the pageview from the shell we need to set up some focus proxies, so that part->widget (which is the sidebar) ends up giving the focus to the pageview, which is what makes sense if someone says "you part, set yourself the focus"

BUGS: 428257

Merge request reports