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Use tabs by default

Nate Graham requested to merge ngraham/okular:use-tabs-by-default into master

Okular has had tabbed document features for years, but defaulted to turning the feature off. Having it on is overall a better default, for what I believe to be the following reasons:

  • It's more common for document-based apps like Okular to be tabbed these days than for them to not be; it would therefore better match user expectations.
  • Tabbing helps the casual/novice user keep their workspace organized better by having fewer windows open at the same time. This kind of usercan quickly become overwhelmed when they have too many windows open.
  • Tabbing better accommodates the usecases of advanced/heavy users who will open many documents, by making it easier to switch between open documents.
  • Off-by-default features are generally considered poor practice today by the VDG, especially for fairly basic functionality like tabbing. See

cc @teams/vdg @aacid @davidhurka @gaiarin @tobiasdeiminger

Merge request reports