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  • Antonio Prcela's avatar
    Canceling a screenshot shall not disable buttons if previous screenshot is visible · 21bd2a92
    Antonio Prcela authored
    Problem: take screenshot, it shows up in Spectacle. Take, for example, new screenshot with
        rectangluar region. Cancel it, the previous screenshot is still in Spectacle, but most
        of the buttons are disabled.
    Solution: if checking that the new Pixmap has been forwarded to setScreenshotAndShow()
        is empty, because the 'shot' was canceled, check if a previous screenshot is already
        visible in Spectacle and set mPixmapExists to true so the buttons don't get disabled.
        Do not check for mKSWidget->isScreenshotSet() before the 'if (mPixmapExists) {}', in
        case the empty pixmap will overwrite the old screenshot.