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  • Nathaniel Graham's avatar
    (1/3) Remove unnecessary Discard/Quit button · 2c31ae4a
    Nathaniel Graham authored
    Part 1 of 3 for {T7841}
    CCBUG: 386163
    FIXED-IN: 18.04
    Spectacle's main window doesn't need a discard/quit button, because there's already a user-visible way of closing the window: the titlebar's close button. The escape key does it, too. This button duplicates existing functionality and takes up room that could be used for a "Configure..." button, and has led to user confusion in the past as well (see
    Test Plan:
    Tested in KDE Neon:
    - Can still quit with the Escape key
    - Quitting automatically discards the current screenshot if it has not been saved yet
    - There's now more room in the button bar so we can add a visible "Configure..." button
    Reviewers: #spectacle, alexeymin
    Reviewed By: #spectacle, alexeymin
    Subscribers: alexeymin
    Differential Revision: