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  • Mailson Menezes's avatar
    Fix issue of creating an annotation on tiles mode · ff116890
    Mailson Menezes authored
    Sometimes annotations created on tiles mode were not shown immediately.
    What requestPixmaps do is given a PixmapRequest, change its
    normalizedRect attribute so the rect is tile aligned. However
    refreshPixmaps was creating a PixmapRequest with the rect already tile
    aligned and then delivering the PixmapRequest to requestPixmaps, which
    would trye to take the requested rectangle and change it so it is also
    tile aligned. Since the PixmapRequest delivered by refreshPixmaps was
    already aligned, the requested rectangle was inflated by the tile
    alignment procedure. After that the generated request becomes bigger
    than the defined threshold and is discarded. This patch actually
    removes the tile alignment logic from refreshPixmaps and let only the
    requestPixmaps handle this.