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  • Igor Kushnir's avatar
    Implement virtual DebugSession::killDebuggerNow() · d68e4a3d
    Igor Kushnir authored
    introduced a pure virtual IDebugSession::killDebuggerNow() member
    function. DebugSession must override it to become non-abstract and fix
    the following compilation error (GCC):
      invalid new-expression of abstract class type ‘XDebug::DebugSession’
    DebugSession::killDebuggerNow() mimics the implementation of
    As far as I can tell, the following events happen synchronously when
    Connection::close() is called: &QTcpSocket::disconnected, then
    &Connection::closed signals are emitted,
    DebugSession::connectionClosed() switches to EndedState, and so
    KDevelop::DebugController has a chance to schedule the DebugSession's