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  • Milian Wolff's avatar
    Fix various other issues with monster buckets in the ItemRepository · 16cedcbc
    Milian Wolff authored
    By always enabling the debug defines in the test_itemrepository we
    easily ran into all kinds of assertions. Some where wrong, but most
    where at least partially correct and uncovered a wealth of connected
    issues which I could not detangle from another. As such, this patch
    sadly does a few things together, as otherwise the tests would always
    fail. Thankfully, at the end, I managed to run not only the tests
    with the debug assertions enabled, but could also parse a large
    real-world application and save/load it from the cache! Previously,
    both would always lead to assertions in various places.
    Some of the issues that I uncovered:
    - We never marked the tails of the monster buckets anywhere, meaning
      when we got an item request that fell into a bucket index that was
      merged with others to form a monster bucket we didn't detect it
      and silently corrupted the data by just writing the new item data
      into the bucket as-if it was an uninitialized empty bucket.
      this was uncovered by the DEBUG_MONSTERBUCKETS assertion at the top
      of ItemRepository::initializeBucket, which now got a more
      descriptive comment too.
      To fix this, I have introduced the new m_monsterBucketTailMarker
      list which stores a bool state for every bucket that is part of
      the tail of a monster bucket. The "main" bucket of the monster isn't
      marked therein, as we still want to access it as-if it is a normal
      bucket. Then, when we later try to find a suitable bucket to fullfil
      an item request, we skip over buckets that are marked as being part
      of a bucket tail.
    - I also noticed that the m_freeSpaceBuckets list was not properly
      managed at all. Creating new buckets e.g. never put those into the
      free list! The patch here now ensures we always properly keep this
      list up to date, especially when creating new buckets or when
      merging/splitting monster buckets.
    To ensure the new tail marker list is always available, and to fix
    potentially old corrupted databases, the repo version is incremented
    which invalidates all old caches.