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Remove leftover usages of SkipSingle removed in Qt 5.0

Igor Kushnir requested to merge work/remove-leftover-skipsingle-usages into master removed QTest::SkipMode. A paragraph of that commit's message says:

This commit removes SkipMode.  QSKIPs in regular test functions and data
functions are treated the same as SkipSingle, so that every skipped line
of local or global test data is reported in the test log.  QSKIPs
elsewhere are treated the same as SkipAll -- skipping in init() causes
the next test function to be skipped entirely, and skipping in
initTestCase() or initTestCase_data() causes all test functions to be

All SkipSingle usages removed in this commit are in regular test functions, so the skipping behavior of these tests in Qt 5 should be the same as in Qt 4.

Subsequent qtbase commits made obsolete usages of QSKIP print a warning, then fail (8fbad679e921b2b394c46fbf2c602216cdb2f209) and fail to compile (9864241309203aeeda3c247fed8da8ab0ca2d041). However 14cd2678396ed1450a72aeffa99c1504743ea415 made extra arguments to QSKIP silently ignored again to prevent a large source incompatibility during porting. That's why the obsolete SkipSingle usages haven't been noticed and removed from KDevelop code base earlier.

Merge request reports