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Tentative solution for bug number 477759.

Filippo Rusconi requested to merge lopippo/kdevelop:master into master

Greetings, the commit I am asking a merge for solves the bug titled "After formatting, the code position is reset to top of file" (number 477759). Following the kind suggestions of Igor Kushnir, I seemingly succeeded in restoring the cursor positions for the various views of the same formatted document. Note, however, that I could not test the fixed software on the binary file built with the modified source because the kdevelop binary does not have all the requested features (no ability to actually select a formatter). I thus transposed the successful modifications performed in the Debian package source tree into this source tree. If I have not forgotten any source file, then the modifications in this merge request should work fine. I am available for any supplemental information. Sincerely, Filippo Rusconi

Merge request reports
