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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    Introduce shell-embedded message area, to avoid dialog windows · 7a1edb76
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    When code wants to inform the user about an issue, lots of KDevelop
    code currently simply pops up a message dialog window, with all the
    consequences like stealing the focus.
    Most of the time the message though is just assisting information
    why something has not worked and does not need to block the user instantly
    from the normal interaction, instead could be digested by the user later.
    This patch introduces a message area to the shell, between toolbars and
    the view area. Which will auto-expand if messages are to be shown.
    This is similar to the inline-message area known from KTextEditor documents,
    but here applied to the scope of the shell.
    Luckily the code from KTextEditor for the message area can also be reused
    here (though only as fork for now), so it is well tested code.
    Not all places using KMessageBox/QMessageBox for notification-like
    messages can be replaced yet, as sometimes they are used when assistant
    dialogs are open. That might ...