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  • Timothée Giet's avatar
    core, add splash-screen when using the --launch option · 935e683a
    Timothée Giet authored
    add a splash-screen to hide the menu when using the --launch option
    make loading of launched activity faster
    replace gcompris.png with gcompris-logo-full.svg to avoid redundant file,
    and make default size of the svg bigger to look better in DialogAbout.qml
    core, add splash-screen when using the --launch option
    Timothée Giet authored
    add a splash-screen to hide the menu when using the --launch option
    make loading of launched activity faster
    replace gcompris.png with gcompris-logo-full.svg to avoid redundant file,
    and make default size of the svg bigger to look better in DialogAbout.qml