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  • Jos van den Oever's avatar
    Bring KoGenStyle(s) more in line with ODF spec · 5b9d939b
    Jos van den Oever authored
    I've uncovered some problems in KoGenStyle and KoGenStyles.
    - Not all style families have their own value in KoGenStyle::Type
       StyleParagraph, StyleRuby, StyleGraphic, and StylePresentation are not
    - The documentation says:
       "StyleText,                   ///< style:style with style:text-properties"
      which is strange since also StyleParagraph, StyleTableCell, StyleGraphic,
    StylePresentation and StyleChart can have style:text-properties too.
    - There is an assert in KoGenStyles.cpp line 164 that only allows default
    styles for StyleUser, StyleTableColumn, StyleTableRow and StyleTableCell.
     (StyleUser seems to be a synonym for the missing StylePresentation).
    The problems are solved with the following steps:
    - add StyleParagraph, StyleRuby, StyleGraphic, and StylePresentation to
    - fix the documentation for the 12 style families to not define styles by their
    contents but by their family
    - expand the assert to include the other 9 style families.
    svn path=/trunk/koffice/; revision=1085521