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  • Matěj Laitl's avatar
    QtGroupingProxy: implement buddy() to work-around design issues · 369508c7
    Matěj Laitl authored
    This is effectively a work-around for a big design flaw in
    QtGroupingProxy (which is that it "invents" its own items not present
    in the original model). Technical description in the code comments.
    ^^^^ Bart, because of the above reason I'd prefer not to use
    QtGroupingProxy in Amarok at all in long-term. Instead, we should do it
    the other way around: original model would be hierarchical and the
    proxy would flatten it into a table.
    This fixes some bugs in the Saved Playlists and perhaps more:
     * Fix editability and drop-ability of playlist folders.
    CCBUG: 308703
    CCMAIL: Bart Cerneels <>
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