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  • Matěj Laitl's avatar
    QtGroupingProxy: don't re-enter beginInsertRows() (crashfix) · d1a1c803
    Matěj Laitl authored
    This should fix a nasty crash that was only reproducible when Qt was
    build with debugging assertions enabled. (and perhaps only if you have
    empty playlist providers) The fix is based on an assumption that
    addSourceRow() in QtGroupingProxy is only called from:
    a) buildTree(), which encompasses it in {begin/end}ResetModel()
    b) modelRowsInserted(), but that should be always preceeded by
       modelRowsAboutToBeInserted() that calls beginInsertRows()
    Bart, this is largely your code, is this correct?
     * Fix crash on start when Qt is build with debugging assertions
    BUG: 285720
    FIXED-IN: 2.6
    DIGEST: fix rather nasty crash
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