Improvements to albums, current track, equalizer and photos context applets
Make albums applet show recently added albums right after program start and not only after music has been stopped at least once (without this, the album list is empty on program start).
Behave nicer with narrow widths: make the layout a GridLayout with flow, so track details and rating get layed out on top of each other if space is scarce.
BUG: 420964
Allow copying current track details by clicking. A hint of the action is provided with a small copy action icon on hover, and its opacity is animated on click.
BUG: 283457
Even narrower applet, featuring also the copiable text indicator:
Display some "nothing playing" message (using the existing string used in systray tooltip) on current track applet instead of blank fields. I think there was something similar on Qt4/KDE4 Amarok, but can't quite recall anymore. Additionally, clean up albums fetching code from current track applet, as it is not used there (seems to be leftovers from KF5 port, implemented in albums applet instead).
Display album cover when clicking in current track context applet.
Some updating of flickr urls in photos applet. Doesn't work yet, however, apparently due to something being wrong in the method QML Image uses when downloading the photos. I'd have thought it was headers; however, I've tried doing a curl with similar headers and that works, so still a mystery what's wrong.
Scale analyzer to fit whole applet when devicePixelRatio is not 1.
Allow scrolling context applet list by dragging if it doesn't fit.
BUG: 195338
Make highlight more in line with KDE HIG, also improve font weights:
Returning functionality: Highlight currently playing track and tracks from same artist on compilations in albums applet: