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VLC: set playback cache size (#461299)

Roman Lebedev requested to merge lebedev/elisa:playback-cache-size into master

I'm having intermitten stutters during audio playback in elisa. Given that i have already fully tuned Pipewire, and not seeing anything in pw-top, the problem is likely in elisa.

From $ vlc --help --advanced --full-help --longhelp --help-verbose:

      --file-caching <integer [0 .. 60000]>
                                 File caching (ms)
          Caching value for local files, in milliseconds.
      --live-caching <integer [0 .. 60000]>
                                 Live capture caching (ms)
          Caching value for cameras and microphones, in milliseconds.
      --disc-caching <integer [0 .. 60000]>
                                 Disc caching (ms)
          Caching value for optical media, in milliseconds.
      --network-caching <integer [0 .. 60000]>
                                 Network caching (ms)
          Caching value for network resources, in milliseconds.

As far as i can tell, these are the only knobs that control the amount of playback that is prepared ahead of time. They default to 1000ms:

There's also Stream prefetch filter, but it does nothing for local file playback:

I'm going to make an assumption here: i believe the most common use-case for elisa is to start something, and let it play, without jumping around. Given that, i think this default is unreasonable.

I would like to propose to change it somewhat. In my limited testing, this does lead to less audiable issues.

Edited by Roman Lebedev

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