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Emit positionChanged when seeking with vlc backend

Jack Hill requested to merge jackh/elisa:vlc_update_position_when_seeking into master

Reason for the change

It seems that vlc does not generate an event when calling libvlc_media_player_set_position, so we have to manually emit positionChanged. If the playback is paused and we don't manually emit this signal, then the rest of the app still believes we are at the old position, prior to the seek. This results in a bug where the position label does not update as the duration slider is manually moved.

Test plan

To test:

  1. build Elisa with vlc
  2. start playing a track
  3. pause the playback
  4. move the seek slider

Before MR: the position label is not updated (is updated when playback starts again though)

After MR: the position label is updated as the slider moves

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
before video after video

Bugs fixed

BUG: 448068

Merge request reports