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Draft: initial implementation of playlist selection

Jack Hill requested to merge jackh/elisa:feature/playlist-selection into master

Reason for the change

Adds a selection mode for the playlist view which is useful when removing multiple items at once. In the future I would like to add a feature where you can select an entire album at once by clicking a checkbox in the album header item.


Current appearance:


Test plan

  • Need to improve autotests
  • Needs more manual testing

Manual tests that I have tried so far:

  • Select some items, then shuffle the playlist. The same items are still selected.
  • Select some items, then move them around in the playlist. The same items are still selected.
  • Select some items in shuffle mode, then add multiple tracks. Ensure that tracks are added before and after the selected items. The same items are still selected.
  • Select some items them remove items before and after the selected items. The same items are still selected.
  • Select some items, then remove only one of the selected items (using the hover toolbar). The other items are still selected, no new items are selected.
  • After each of the above steps, remove the items from the playlist. Only the items that were selected were removed.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Edited by Jack Hill

Merge request reports