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  • Michael Pyne's avatar
    systemtray: Cleanups and modernization. Also a timer bugfix. · 62561ad0
    Michael Pyne authored
    The bug: When using the track popup announcement, a timer kicks off to
    tell the popup to fade out. A second timer is used to incrementally fade
    the popup a bit every few milliseconds until the popup can finally be
    hidden. However the first timer was never stopped, and would kick off
    the fadeout sequence again, over and over, only hidden to view since the
    popup is no longer visible.
    This might be related to the old bug 165899 (which I tried to fix a
    different way). I believe this happened in the Qt3/4 transition since
    the code seems to assume the first timer was a "single shot" timer, but
    it could have been wrong forever.