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Introduce multiple selection and context menus for all lists of episodes

Bart De Vries requested to merge work/multi-selection into master

All lists of episodes now allow (de)selection of items through keyboard (enter, shift+up/down), mouse (left-click, left+shift, left+ctrl) and touch (long press).

If there are non-zero items selected, a list of actions will appear in the context drawer, or through a context menu by right-clicking with the mouse.

The backend database operations and signals fired because of items changed, have been optimized. There's already a huge speed gain which makes most operations on selections of up to 1000 items finish within a few seconds max. (It can probably still be tuned further.)

Still to be done:

  • When only one items is selected, disable the actions that are not relevant (e.g. do not show "mark played" on an episode that is already marked as played.)
  • Make sure that single-item actions triggered from the EntryPage will also trigger an update of the EpisodeListPage.
Edited by Bart De Vries

Merge request reports