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Header bar redesign

Bart De Vries requested to merge work/headerbar-rework into master

New scalable header bar design which should scale nicely with height and width changes by collapsing several elements (putting them into popups and overflow menus). The height scaling is similar to Elisa.

This was the original situation: Screenshot_20230120_182158

Edit: updated screenshots (volume controls are now always at the end of the toolbar and in popup)

These are screenshots of the new UI header bar controls:

Default wide window: Screenshot_20230122_215026

Narrower (removing text from toolbar buttons): Screenshot_20230122_215155

Narrow (all buttons into overflow menu): Screenshot_20230122_215214

Most narrow (remove timestamps next to slider): Screenshot_20230122_215332

Scaling the header height to smaller dimensions (scaling image and removing text): Screenshot_20230122_215607

Header heigth fully collapsed (background color back to Theme; small episode image at the left of toolbar; looks a bit like the status quo): Screenshot_20230122_215638

Edited by Bart De Vries

Merge request reports