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  • Elias (Bleuzen)'s avatar
    Improve AV1 NVENC export profile · 117baaae
    Elias (Bleuzen) authored and Julius Künzel's avatar Julius Künzel committed
    This improves the AV1 NVENC export profile introduced in !409
    The current values produce large files and the quality slider is limited to only a small range (`15` - `45`) of all possible QP values. Therefore even when setting the quality slider to 0% the output file is still big and it is not possible to compress the video to a more reasonable size
    The AV1 NVENC encoder supports a QP range of `-1` - `255`.
    This MR fixes the above issue by exposing more of this range to be able to output smaller files
    I also changed the default value to one which outputs a bit smaller files compared to H264 with its default CQP. I think this is what most users expect considering that AV1 is in most cases a more efficient codec
    There are more possible improvements to investigate (CQ mode instead of CQP, Spatial AQ & Temporal AQ, testing on more content to find better values overall and better naming of the profiles...)
    but for no...