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  • Chengkun Chen's avatar
    Improve the ASS format subtitling support · c49bfdbf
    Chengkun Chen authored and Jean-Baptiste Mardelle's avatar Jean-Baptiste Mardelle committed
    Improve the ASS format subtitling feature support, mostly those supported by libass.
    [ASS File Format Guide by libass](
    - [x] Load & Save fontSection in the ASS format subtitle 
    - [x] Better store & manage the ASS format subtitle event by adding the SubtitleEvent class.
    - [x] Improve the subtitle saving method to save all information in ASS Format Files.
    - [x] Migration from V4Style to V4+Style
    - [x] Display subtitle clips from different layers as more subtitle tracks (WIP)
    - [x] Read & Edit with the comment event
    - [x] Add layer management in "Subtitle Manager" widget
    - [x] A new "Manage Subtitle Style" widget for add/delete/copy styles in the subtitle files
    - [x] Improve the existing subtitle editor
    - [x] Set different default styles for each subtitle track
    - [x] Fix bugs related to undo/redo, clean up code
    This is a part of Google Summer of Code 2024 project: [Improved subtitling support](https://su...