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Add the ability to export guides as chapter marker text

Gary Wang requested to merge garywang/kdenlive:chapter-marker into master

Consider this as a feature request.

The "Guides" feature could be helpful to mark "chapters" or different "sections" of a video while editing. As a person sometimes uploads edited videos to platforms like YouTube, I think these "Guides" markers could also be even more helpful if it can export as marker text that supported by YouTube so users could export the text and simply paste it to platforms like YouTube.

I did a simple implementation to fit my own needs(defaults to the YouTube chapter marker format):


I've also searched and it seems there are also some similar needs over the internet:

I'd like to know if it's possible to get this feature merged, and also would like to get some feedback if possible.


BUG: 449887

Edited by Gary Wang

Merge request reports