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  • Peter Mello's avatar
    Fix broken links and add user-friendly contexts · 622e7d60
    Peter Mello authored and Carl Schwan's avatar Carl Schwan committed
    Last updated over five years ago, several hyperlink targets have since
    become broken, most notably the link where new contributors to KDE
    projects are directed to place a request with the KDE Sysadmin Team for
    a alias if they desire one.
    The target URIs of the above-mentioned link and other meta-links to
    general documentation and generic KDE web resources (icons, disclaimers,
    etc.) are brought current to the correct resource locations.
    Additionally, the primary content of the page was expanded and
    copyedited where it seemed both appropriate and needed to make the page
    more useful and informative to its target audience: new contributors.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter J. Mello <>