Ubuntu Touch packaging
Created by: JBBgameich
Kirigami for Ubuntu Xenial -
Use gloox from Plasma Mobile -
Add qtquickcontrols2-5-dev to the UBports repository -
Create Xenial sdk for clickable [upstreamed] -
Enable translations (Depends on https://github.com/bhdouglass/clickable/pull/39) -
Test on a device -
fix all issues -
resources -
scaling (needs testing) -
icons (should be fixed with kf 5.44), We still need to find out if Kaidan works with the suru icons or if we need to include breeze.
Change to the final AppID -
upload to open-store.io
None of us has an Ubuntu Touch device, so we depend on people to test it for us. You need a Ubuntu Touch powered device with the Xenial (16.04) version installed. A recent click file can be downloaded here: http://jbbgameich.tk/files/im.kaidan.kaidan_0.3.2_armhf.click.
This pictures are the most recent ones we have, although the new build contains a untested fix for scaling.
Edited by Linus Jahn