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Specific android:label for ShareActiviy

Éric Gillet requested to merge gileri/kdeconnect-android:share-label into master


Use a distinct label for the ShareActivity. Remove the android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE intent filter from the main activity as nothing is done with the sent files.

Fixes 429681

Test Plan

Open a third-party app that allow sharing images, and share one or more image. The Android file sharing UI will open, listing KDE Connect amongst other apps


Two identical icons and label appear, one opening the main activity and one opening the ShareActivity. There is no way to distinguish between the two, and the main activity will do nothing with the incoming intent.

Before picture before


The share activity has a different label "Share" (while maintaining the KDE Connect title and icon).

After picture after
Edited by Nicolas Fella

Merge request reports
