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Use Jetpack Compose for the Device UI

Albert Vaca Cintora requested to merge work/simplify-device-fragment into master

Rewrite the DeviceFragment UI using Jetpack Compose. I think the code is simpler this way (we no longer need the two RecyclerViews + their Adapters) and should be more performant (eg: having a RecyclerView inside a ScrollView is something that the docs tell you not to do).

I ended up doing this after trying to add a pull-to-refresh from the "this device is not connected" screen and having a hard time because of the existing code. Because of this, the MR also adds pull-to-refresh in that screen, which was my initial goal. Sorry I didn't split it in separate MR.

Before After
Screenshot_20230529-032635 Screenshot_20230529-032234
Edited by Albert Vaca Cintora

Merge request reports
