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Do not strip leading '/' from parentSuffix for non root files when determining...

Erik Duisters requested to merge eduisters/kdeconnect-android:bug_406707 into master


Do not strip leading '/' from parentSuffix for non root files when determining parentDocumentId making copying into subdirectories work.

BUG: 406707

Test Plan


When copying non-empty directories to a non-root shared storage location the directory contents was not copied.

Steps to reproduce:

  • In android add a non-root shared storage location in the Filesystem expose plugin settings (eg: Device Internal Storage/Music)
  • Using dolphin try copying a non-empty directory to the phones Music storage location

Result: The directory is created but its contents is not


Repeat the above test

Result: The directory and its contents are successfully copied to the phone

Merge request reports
