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Synchronization merge from TestFlight Dev branch to the master branch before the removal of the Test Flight Dev branch

Lucas Wang requested to merge testflight_0.x_dev into master

After some consideration, I believe that the Test Flight dev branch ("testflight_0.x_dev") should be removed from the main KDE Connect iOS repo and just keep it plain and simple with a single master branch. TestFlight releases can be marked with tags on the master branch instead.

The TestFlight dev branch was originally created as I planned on pushing directly to that and then making merge requests from that into the master branch. However, I think it would be a good idea for me to adhere to the convention and use a personal fork for development instead which would then have merge requests go into the master of the official repo.

I’ll be making one last MR from the Test Flight dev branch into master to synchronize all the changes. If there are no objections to this plan I’ll be filing a task to sysadmin tonite.

Edited by Lucas Wang

Merge request reports