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rejigger acl page and add a sheet to be shown when using a denial

Harald Sitter requested to merge work/denialwarnings into master

denials always win so they shouldn't really be used unless one is suuuuuuuuuuuuper sure about it. to that end we'll throw up a warning that tries to explain that denials probably aren't what the user wants and also that denying usually isn't necessary because filesystem permissions still apply, so even when using a liberal share ACL the filesystem ACL would still prevent other users from reading one's private data for example

this was a bit awkward to implement because sheets need to overlay something yet overlaying the columnlayout messes with the layout size itself compacting the tableview away. equally we cannot use a regular page because pages come with a whole bunch of padding that looks very weird here and I've not found a way to disable it either. instead we now have a new toplevel item which merely acts as the thing the sheet can overlay. the item then contains the previous layout and elements so they retain the sizing even when overlayed

BUG: 422554 FIXED-IN: 20.12

Merge request reports