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man worker: use kdoctools' kde-docs.css instead of kio_docfilter.css

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau requested to merge work/kossebau/manpageusedoccss into master

kio_docfilter.css got out of sync with with kdoctools, e.g. for the header. Using the same CSS as the application manuals also results in visual consistency e.g. in khelpcenter.

Screenshot__Y_M_D__H_m_S : Screenshot__Y_M_D__H_m_S-1


One issue:

the footer div has some styling with hardcoded height: 8.7em (see Which seems to have been added once to ensure consistence footer sizes on the webpages? (Added in unmaintained/kdelibs@5a78d45e)

Which is too much for the single info line added here: Screenshot__Y_M_D__H_m_S-2

Though actually also not perfect for small view widths with the application manuals, where the text overflows: Screenshot__Y_M_D__H_m_S-3

@mpyne @carlschwan Any ideas/proposals what to do here? Would it be fine to make the footer actually adapt to the content? Or have some variant for the web pages (e.g. vs. pages shown in khelpcenter? Or just some special rules for man pages?

Merge request reports