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  • Stefano Crocco's avatar
    Ensure that WebEnginePart uses proxy settings from KCM · 2b45b2af
    Stefano Crocco authored
    Force WebEnginePart to follow the global KDE proxy settings.
    QtWebEngine uses the proxy set with QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy, which
    means that it ignores the KDE proxy settings chosen by the user.
    To force QtWebEngine to respect the user's preferences, read the proxy settings
    using KProtocolManager and call QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy
    QtWebEngine only supports a small subset of the options provided by the
    proxy KCM: if the current configuration isn't supported, the user is
    warned and asked how to proceed.
    If the default HTML engine is not QtWebEngine,
    QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy is still called in case of a
    supported configuration, but nothing is done in case of an unsupported
    Reviewers: dfaure
    Differential Revision: