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  • Stefano Crocco's avatar
    Fix crash due to changes in KBookmarkMenu · ad4d6f4a
    Stefano Crocco authored
    Since version 5.69, KBookmarkMenu doesn't automatically create an action
    collection. This causes Konqueror to crash when going on a submenu in
    the Bookmarks menu. To avoid it, manually create the action collection.
    Also, avoid calling the version of KBookmarkMenu construction which
    takes a KActionCollection, as it's deprecated.
    Test Plan:
    Open the bookmarks menu and hover with the mouse on a submenu. Check
    that it crashes. Do the same after this change and check it doesn't crash
    Reviewers: dfaure, nicolasfella
    Reviewed By: nicolasfella
    Subscribers: poboiko
    Differential Revision:
    (cherry picked from commit 078f357b)