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Improve building and handling of QtWebEngine dictionaries

This commit does three things:

  • it adds a cmake option to explicitly turn off dictionary generation. This allows distributions which want to package the dictionaries separately to avoid building them without needing to use hacks such as passing -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Hunspell=ON to cmake
  • it fixes a bug causing the QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH environment variable to be ignored by SpellCheckerManager, leading to dictionaries being searched in the wrong directory
  • it allows Konqueror to fall back to QtWebEngine behavior if dictionary generation has been turned off and the QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH environment variable is empty

Don't overwrite QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH if it's empty

Move all spellcheck code in the same CMakeLists.txt

Simplify CMakeLists.txt

Merge request reports