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Use the same wording for all permissions and add parameter to labelText

Previously the wording used for the Geolocation feature was different from the wording used for all other features (the former was Do you want to grant ... access to information about your current physical location? while all the others were like Do you want to allow ... to access your microphone and other audio capture devices?). Besides, the buttons' labels were always Deny access and Grant access.

To make everything more consistent, I changed the text to always be of the form <URL> would like to <do something> and the buttons text to Deny Permission Grant Permission.

Other alternatives I thought of are:

Text Text on the allow button Text on the deny button
Do you want to grant <URL> permission to <do something> / <access to something> ? Yes No
Do you want to allow <URL> to <do something> / <access something> ? Yes No

I chose the alternative I thought best, but since I'm not a native English speaker, I'm not sure I made the correct choice. If you think one of the other forms is better, I'm ready to change it.

I also changed the function FeaturePermissionBar::labelText to take the feature as a parameter instead of using the m_feature instance variable, so that it won't matter if m_feature is changed before or after the call to labelText in setFeature.

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