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Copy Magnet URL command in context menu of Magnet Downloader panel
That's a simple function that copies URLs of the selected magnets from Magnet Downloader view to the clipboard.
Since we got a feature that automatically appends a lot of trackers to infohash I decided to copy some of my old magnets that I'm trying to download for years and give them a chance with these new trackers. I realize that I can't get magnets URLs to extract infohashes from them. I can see magnet's URL as a tooltip, but it's not editable. And Ctrl+C results in copy of DisplayName() (if any) instead of URL. So I decided to add this small context menu command.
Also some slots used for context menu in magnetview.cpp were converted to qt5 format (require qt 5.6+, we have 5.10 requirement in CMakeFiles).
Edited by Alexander Trufanov