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New plugin: Scan for lost files

Alexander Trufanov requested to merge (removed):plugin into master

I'm suggesting a new plugin. This is a widget that can be placed in 3 activity positions (like logview plugin) and allows to select the folder and browse its content while filtering files that belong to any torrents.

The usecase is following. Imagine user downloads files via KTorrent to the single folder (for ex., ~/torrents/ in my case). Or set of folders if he set up the torrent groups with different default download folders. Anyway, assume he has a folder there torrent data files are stored and nothing else. I think that's a quite often and "default" case. Then user might mistakenly delete torrent and thus stop seeding it. Or user may want to delete torrent with downloaded data, but mistakenly press just download. Or user might download zip archive and unpack it in the same folder it stored. Or he might download DOC file, open it, then incorrectly close it and left with ".lock*" file on drive in the same folder. In any case user will have some files in his torrents folder that already aren't belong to any torrent known to KTorrent. User may want to delete these files or to redownload torrent and start seeding them again.

After a 6 years of seeding I found quite a lot of broken torrents that I think i seeded and just a trash files in my folder. To find these "lost files" I made this plugin.

Just compile, enable, open widget in tab (default place), select directory to scan for lost files. The widget will display all files (include hidden) in selected folder except for files which belong to known torrents.

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