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Resolve some KF5 comments

Jack Hill requested to merge jackh/ktorrent:qt5 into master

Fix global shortcut actions

Fixes the Shift+Alt+T action to show/hide window and Shift+Alt+P action to pause/start all torrents

BUG: 384673

Fix KMainWindow::saveMainWindowSettings call

No idea if this call is necessary but it had a KF5 comment

Drop commented reference to Solid::DeviceInterface::NetworkInterface

This was removed 9 years ago and it seems unlikely to make a comeback

Use QIcon::fromTheme

Fixes the group view

Before After
group-before group-after

Chunk bar tooltip

BUG: 445007

Before After
No tooltip chunks-tooltip

Use QCollator?

There's another comment here saying to use QCollator instead of QString::compare. I can't see any direct uses of this function though, so is there any point in changing this? (Btw Activity seems to refer to the different types of view, e.g. "Torrents", "Plugins", "Scan for lost files" from the scan for lost files plugin, etc.)

Edited by Jack Hill

Merge request reports
