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Draft: Display children when viewing Space room

Smitty van Bodegom requested to merge work/smitop/spaces-room-list into master

Currently looking at a Space room just displays leave and join events. This makes it display a list of the children of the space.

  • It doesn't yet treat subspaces specially.
  • It (tries) to find events itself instead of using the unstable /hierarchy endpoint (similar to the endpoint for public rooms) to have the homeserver do that.
  • AFAICT, Quotient doesn't currently have a way to expose all state events of a given type ( in this case), so it looks at recent history to get them. I'll try to add support to Quotient for this so spaces that were not recently added show up.
  • Space children that we are not a member of display as just the room ID since we don't fetch the room metadata for those yet.
  • The via servers are ignored (and thus not used to help find a server that has the rooms).

Contributes to #361 (closed).

Edited by Smitty van Bodegom

Merge request reports