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Fix post interaction buttons

Joshua Goins requested to merge (removed):fix-interaction-icons into master

This fixes BUG: 461846, #34 (closed) and also a couple of complaints I've seen on Mastodon - people not knowing they can favorite because the button is invisible ;-)


Now I created a custom component but why?

  1. For some reason, ToolButton does NOT like custom SVGs. I have no idea why, Button supports it out of the box. I also tried creating a custom icon theme, but it also didn't like either. It's a tough component for sure...
  2. If we wanted to colorize the buttons later on, it would be a pain anyway.
  3. Is this really ToolButton's intended purpose? :-p

The first reason is the real stickler, and a pain point as it should work - might be a Qt bug. Anyway, right now this is a draft due to it being a complex piece. Here's the current task list:

  • Convert favorite toolbutton
  • Convert boost toolbutton
  • Convert reply toolbutton
  • Use Kirigami theme colors when inactive/hovered, otherwise yellow/green where appropriate
  • Make sure the button is accessible. It needs visible highlights, focus, and tooltips!
  • The button needs to have text on the side for users who turn on the "detailed post statistics" option.
  • Add REUSE information to the new source file.
  • Add BUG info to final commit amend.

If you have any design considerations, please let me know! I'm trying to place it somewhere in between the existing ToolButton and the Mastodon web interface.

Edited by Joshua Goins

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