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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    introduce koIcon · 06d1bc80
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    * fixes for the wrong usage of K/QIcon vs. pixmap (from incomplete Qt3->Qt4 porting):
      Q/KIcon does not have a real size, it's more kind of a factory for whatever
      pixmap size it is asked for, so just loading a certain icon pixmap and setting that
      to a KIcon/QIcon is useless, as the widget which takes the icon might request a
      different size. So e.g. passing a SmallIcon("icon-foo") to a button which takes a
      QIcon can result in badly scaled icons instead of loading the most perfect size
      match from the icon-set.
    * removes lots of unneeded includes, usually kiconloader.h
    * makes the API consistent for some classes, with
     "iconName" for a QString-based icon name and
     "icon" for a KIcon/QIcon type property
    * use consistently "IconSize" everywhere instead of "KIconLoader::global()->currentSize"
    * removes unused "KPrFactory::iconLoader()"
    * adds a simple script tools/iconcheck/ to find iconnames without existing icons
    REVIEW: 105289