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Implement OCR

Hennadii Chernyshchyk requested to merge github/fork/yasirtug/master into master

Created by: yasirtug

OCR is working (see MainWindow::grabCompleted) but it doesn't result in translation because those state machines seemed too complicated to me. instead of trying to understand all the structure, I decided that it would be better to pass completing this functionality to you. I am sure it will only take minutes. also, I anticipate that especially around MainWindow::grabCompleted and MainWindow::showQuickEditor functions, you will probably see big opportunities for improvement... do not hesitate to change anything i wrote.


  • OCR option in cmake
  • shortcut for screen grabbing
  • settings menu entry for OCR
  • settings icon for windows, from papirus

Additional notes:

  • QuickEditor class is taken from KDE's Spectacle
  • this requires libtesseract-dev and tesseract-ocr-eng packages in ubuntu as new dependencies, if OCR enabled of course.
  • haven't tested anything in windows
  • also minor Türk -> Türkçe correction (Türk is like Turk, it refers to nationality. Türkçe is the language)
  • see my way of passing tesseract data to settings window (MainWindow::openSettings() and appsettings.cpp line 909), you may want to change it

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