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  • Michael Pyne's avatar
    Add .xsession installation base code. · 548489c9
    Michael Pyne authored
    This isn't turned on yet (the testcase just tries to run the function
    without exceptions), but this would be the base for a feature to install
    the new sample .xsession file for the "Custom session" login option for
    most login managers.
    The base .xsession was graciously provided by Michael Janses (of
    build-tool fame). I've simplified it a bit for kdesrc-build usage and
    tried to make it compatible with less featureful shells. The eventual
    idea is that it can be used with kdesrc-build-set and/or kdesrc-build so
    that you can run the setup script, kdesrc-build, and be able to login to
    your new KDE install.