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Draft: Add linuxdeploy-plugin-craft

This is a plugin for linuxdeploy to set the correct rpath for all libraries in the plugins directory. The rpath of plugins has to be relative to the plugins location unlike the rpath of normal libraries which has to be relative to the location of the executable dynamically linking the libraries.

CCBUG: 461509

Depends on !474 (closed)

This is probably not the right way to add this blueprint since it contains the source code directly in the blueprint. I'm open for suggestions where else to put the plugin for linuxdeploy (which is just a simple shell script).

I'm also open for a better name of the plugin, e.g. linuxdeploy-plugin-kf or linuxdeploy-plugin-kde. Maybe it will eventually become a KF-specific equivalent of linuxdeploy-plugin-qt.

Edited by Ingo Klöcker

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