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Cleanup indilib (KStars depdendency)

Julius Künzel requested to merge work/cleanup-indilib into dev

@mutlaqja @lancaster

Disclaimer: I have no idea about KStars packaging, its dependencies and INDI. Also I did not test this change. I hope for your support with this.

However I know Craft and when reading the blueprints I noticed some duplication and bad practice. So I started a major cleanup that hopefully makes life easier for everyone:

  • Don't use a unstable target as default, this will cause issues with the cache and leads to unpredictable results. (If you want to use a git branch as default target you should pin to a commit)
  • Use a stable target name that is related to the version. Using a target name that does not change when the version changes leads to caching issues.
  • Introduce a version.ini file to control the version in a single place. This required to rename the blueprints.
  • indiserver and indiclient are merged to indi with the new options buildClient and buildServer. [I am not sure why server is only build on macOS and client only on everything but macOS?]
  • Similar indi-3rdparty and indi-3rdparty-libraries have been merged. [I am not sure why this was split before?]
  • fixLibraryFolder() has been de-duplicated by moving to a parent namespace "pattern". I am not sure though if this is really needed? I think Craft handles rpaths properly by default now (maybe it was different in old times) @vonreth? Same applies to CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH and DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH

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