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  • David Faure's avatar
    Calendar formatter: port to PimUniqueApplication::activateApplication · 7c4e6a86
    David Faure authored
    The whole "if korganizer or kontact is running, bring it to the front, otherwise
    start korganizer" logic becomes a single line of code.
    I'm not 100% sure about the Windows code using QProcess; clearly it
    relies on DBus anyway so the new way should work, but it mentions (which could be called by the DBus service file then...)
    Test Plan:
    Click "Check My Calendar" in an invitation email.
    In KMail, it starts standalone korganizer.
    In Kontact, it switches to the calendar plugin.
    Reviewers: vkrause, dvratil, mlaurent
    Reviewed By: vkrause
    Subscribers: kde-pim
    Tags: #kde_pim
    Differential Revision: